Could you please give me some advice on dating a girl that is depressed? How would you act towards or around her. She has cut the sex, feels like crap about herself. Very low self esteem and etc. She never comes over to see me anymore and is not intimate, forget the sex. But she calls all the time and is very possessive. Should I walk? Or should I wait and see if she seeks help? Should I make this clear?
Dating a girl that is depressed......?girls myspace
the fact that you are asking if you should walk or stay, means that you have feelings for her, otherwise you would have walked away long time ago.
you can be her shoulder to cry on, maybe she needs that badly to let go of her depression. i can understand why she's not intimate anymore, probably she doesn't want to hurt anymore and is trying too keep her distance.
you need to cheer her up, tell her that you are always there for her..tell her she is very beautiful %26amp; attractive. red flowers or a box of chocolate may put a smile on her face, or surprise her with a gift that she likes... lots of things you can do to help her get over her creative!
Dating a girl that is depressed......?skinny myspace
Take her to see a dr, seriously.
Get drunk and shag!
I've actually liked dating depressed girls... just something about them when i see them, when i know theyre happy to see me, i just feel special inside... I think you should just be more intimate with her. Be more active, and boyfriend like you know. Remind her that your her boyfriend and you should be caring, take her out places and show her like a trouphy, without the novelty item xD u know what im saying? Make her feel good ^__^
I would wait and I would approche her and ask her to get help. Good luck!
Try your best to talk her into getting some help, maybe even talking to her parents. If not, walk. Don't allow her to bring you down too. Just try. That's all you really can do. The rest is up to her. But no matter what happens, its not your fault. Just remember that.
you should do nsomething with her , like one of her favorite activities, so she feels confident around you and praise her
dont bail she just has stuff that she needs to deal with. listen to her and make her talk more! most important is at the end of the conversatioon try to come to a conclusion on whatever was bothering her no matter how trival. right now she needs someone to talk to not to say she doesnt like you but right now she needs ansewrs to a question that she is working up the courage to ask. hope that helped
ask her why she is deppressed. try taking her out to eat and complimenting her. i was depressed bc my hubby doesnt tell me im pretty and stuff like he used to. also i had a baby and looked different. maybe she gained 2 pounds and thinks you noticed. maybe you told somebody something and she found out or she heard a rumor about you
if you love her stay, if you really think it's worth it. If you want to see her when she reaches the end of this tunnel, stay. If you feel you can't handle it then it's up to you. You can help her by being supportive and helping her find a doctor. Chances are she will be ok...if she is young it's probably hormonal and passing...
I would wait. You don't want her to do anything drastic! Talk to her, listen and try to comfort her, even if it's only with words!
Do you love her? She needs you during this period and you want to walk away? She will only sink into depression even more if you do that. Can you bear to do that??
Be there for her and show her that you love her for who she is. Go over to her place to see her if she's not going over to your place. Why does she have to be the one making the effort to see you? You can do the same too. Talk to her nicely and try to get her to go for counselling.
Be strong for her...she needs your support more than anything now. Just think about it. When she gets through this rough patch, the relationship btw you and her will be a lot stronger and stable. It will be all worth while...
I understand that guys may feel trapped if girls are possessive and act like you belong to them but they do not participate in being your romantic partner. it depends how long you've known the girl as well.
one thing you should NOT do for a girl in depression is WALK. that would be unwise because you dont know what her reaction would be.. to cry or feel even more crappy about herself since you dont want her.
thats good if she seeks help, so wait that out. but why dont you try talking it out with her and try to do something to cheer her up, like an amusement park or just something funny or an inside joke. then she may feel happier! and so will u
Get away while you still can.
Depressed people will drag you down like a boat anchor.
Until you both drown.
Save your self; dump her.
Set timelines and benchmarks and if she doesn't meet them you need to walk. Unless, you want to be like our president George Bush and just stay with this depressed girl who is not healthy and make no conditions that she has to meet.
If you really like her then you should at least try this, to make her feel better if you can. Like just say things like you look beautiful today. Don't just do general things either, tell her exactly how beautiful she is. Also tell here how much you like being with her. It sounds like she feels worried that she will lose you. Do it randomly too and with real intent. Just say it, and don't worry about it sounding weird. I know it would help her to know for sure that you thought she was beautiful and worth being with, because it sounds like she doesn't think she is good enough for you. It may take a while but it will help in the long run.
Just be there for her, I suppose. Is she insecure?
In a relationship, don't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. As for the girl, she shouldn't be so possessive. I think it's unattractive. Maybe she could go seek professional help?
I know this situation all too well. I advise you take my words seriously. I'm pretty sure things will go great for you guys, but you guys will reach an ultimate downfall. She'll revert to being depressed sometime later and might not share her feelings with you. Take over the relationship. Keep her excited and guessing. Let her know that you're the one she's seeing, but don't give her the feeling that she's been through it all and knows everything about you. Stay with her but don't let her control you. If she does something unfair then tell her that you don't like it and you're willing to break up with her. This way -- you'll direct her away from her depression and your relationship will be more based on what you and her want for the best of each other. Maybe what I'm saying is biased, but I hope it's what will help you. Message me in the future because I'm curious to see what you will do and what will happen. Good luck.
well? just be there for her and tell her how pretty she is and everything you like about her and just love her so that way more and more mabey she will too? but if you were to leave it would make eveything worse. good luck! :)
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