Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why are adults against teenagers dating???

why are adults always answering my dating questions? saying that im to young to date guys im 14 turning 15 soon im old enough to go to the movies with a boy and have a boyfriend? and even if im not i have already had plenty? so i mine as well keep going right? why is it so wrong when your young to have fun and date!?

Why are adults against teenagers dating???layouts for myspace

To be fair, the number of adults who advise teens to wait and not be in too much of a hurry to grow up are nothing compared to the AVALANCHE of influences in the media pushing teens to become sexually active at earlier and earlier ages every generation. I agree you should have your fun, but there's alot of misinformation and bad examples out there, and some people really just want to help you (especially to avoid some of the mistakes they may have made). Take it in the spirit it was offered, relax, and understand that someday you'll be old and annoying to someone too!

Why are adults against teenagers dating???famous myspace myspace.com

Because they know the consequences and the hurt that can come from love at early ages. And if you make mistakes when you are young they will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Learn how to spell and good grammer then we'll talk about dating
Because we were 14 and 15 once too. We had the same rules as you do about dating. BTW I'm 22 and I would say no way in hell is my 13 year old sister is dating until she is at least 16.
i know what ur talkin about im only 13. its just retarded how parents say ur too young to date...u can date at any age if u want to, i used to live in illinois for 10 years and my best friend was going out with someone from 1-3rd grade
Mainly because they believe you have the gun and the bullet but lack the wisdom to not shoot it.

Also we forget what it was like back at that age and feel we were stupid back then.
My mom wouldn't let me date until I was 16 but some of my friends got to before that.

It's a matter of trying to protect you. At 14 or 15 things can get out of hand very quickly. You forget - adults have been there before. There are a lot of kids NOT having sex at that age, but there are just as many who are. I'm not saying that you're thinking sex, but who's to say that your date isn't?

Edit - don't be bashing Crystal for making a valid point. Your grammar is horrible, your lack of capitalization is atrocious, your hearts injected for no apparent reason is immature and and a complete lack of comma usage is confusing. Moreover, it's "too young" not "to young", "might as well" not "mine as well" and it's "you're young" not "your young".

You are posting on a public forum, giving adults EVERY right to answer your questions. When you're 14 and I'm 32, I hate to tell you, honey, but I have much more life experience than you. So do all of the other adults answering your questions. You may think that you know it all now, but over time you'll realize that maybe we weren't such crackheads after all.
Two words for you teen pregnancy.
well, im 19 and have a 15 year old brother. so i know where youre coming from.

but i think adults are against you dating for a number of different reasons: A) you said you have had plenty of boyfriends at 15 years old, and maybe they just want you to slow down. kids your age are very fickle and dont know what they want. B) theyre trying to save you from heartache! it's good to go out and experience different guys and see which personality you click with, but not in excess...

i think this is where theyre coming from. my advice to you is to find a personality type that you click with, and try to date people within that category. and slow down!! dont be in a rush to grow up. it sucks. trust me.

good luck!
As a rule, adults aren't actually *against* teenagers dating - it's more that we're... well... afraid. Afraid that our teens are growing up too fast and making decisions that they may not be really prepared to make.

As with anything else, we're trying to protect you from heartache and the angst that goes along with growing up.

Dating often leads to tears and sometimes leads to decisions that will effect you for the rest of your life. And, we'd REALLY like to keep you from having to make decisions about sex for as long as possible.
There is nothing wrong with dating...its the sex part that concerns adults
You teens forget that your parents were once your age. It's not that their against teen dating, it's what their capable of doing on that date. REMEMBER your parents were 14 at one time. But parents also forget what it's like to b 14. They are just trying to protect their little girl. DON"T GROW UP SO FAST CUZ ONCE YOUR GROWN YOU CAN'T EVER GO BACK!!!!
Because adults were 14 going on 15 and know what it is like. They answer so that maybe you could take advantage of their experience, and possibly avoid some of their mistakes, and heartache. It isn't that they are being mean to you, actually it is the opposite. If they take the time to answer (even though it might be someting you don't wanna hear) it is because they actually care.
I don't think you'll listen to any of our advice anyway regardless of what we are telling you, but wait until you have a 14 year old kid then come back and ask us this question.

Which, by the reckless tone of your spelling, grammar, and attitude, should be in about 15 years.

And yes, there are a few spelling and grammar mistakes in your question/details. Read it again with an adult.
Because we (adults) have been teenagers sugar, and we know what it's like...we know the typical maturity level of teens, the typical thought processes of teens, and hormone changes they are going through...we know more than they, what they are most likely emotionally capable of handling as well as physically...we want what is best for them (although they think we're just being mean) and that often includes things they disagree with us over.

We've been there...we know what many of you think about adults, because we thought those things when we were teens to.

THAT is why we, based on experience, knowledge, and wisdom, tend to make suggestions or offer advice that is contrary to what you (or any other teen) may think they want or can handle.

You're likely to feel the same as we do, when you become an adult and are advising teens. It's been thus throughout history (just hasn't always occured on the internet). ?
it's not so much as dating but teenagers do not understand the concept of dating. When you are dating you are free to see as many people as you want so that you my eventually decide who you will start a serious relationship with. Teenagers on the other hand go on dates and the next thing you know these kids are acting like they are married. With no room to grow as a person you are stuck with one person so when adults tell you something they know what they are talking about. Think of it this way when you shop for shoes you just don't grab what's on the wall, you have try some on so you can see what fits and what looks good. think about it.
well i just think most parent are just trying to keep you from making mistakes but i think its a mistake for parents not to talk to their teen kids like they are adults and explain things to them of why they don't want them going on dates....parents are just scared to say now the boy is going to try and do this so be ready for it and you have to not let him touch this parents just don't do this...but they should. sorry this is so long...parents know at 14-15 harmones are growing strong so to keep you safe they want you to just stay away from guy...instead of telling you the things to be ready for...so main thing is just be mature about it and make good decisions...and be safe
Girl, tell "Crystal D" that when SHE learns proper spelling and grammar, that you'll stop dating. Her posting had bad sentence structure, lacked a period, and last but not least, "grammer" was misspelled.)
cuz adults aim to ruin our lives and they try to act like they were never young and didnt want to have fun

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